
Oncocera semirubella · liucerninis siaurasparnis ugniukas

  • rosy-striped knot-horn
  • Kællingetandhalvmøl
  • Rhabarber-Zünsler, Rhabarberzünsler
  • punakeltakoisa
  • liucerninis siaurasparnis ugniukas
  • Prachtmot
  • tiriltungesmalmott
  • käringtandsmott

It is found in European regions, including the British Isles, and East Asia (e.g. China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan).

A beautifully-coloured little moth, with pink and yellow forewings, sometimes exhibiting a whitish stripe along the leading edge of the forewing.

The larvae feed on bird's-foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), clover (Trifolium), Ononis, Medicago.