Eriogaster lanestris · pūkapilvis verpikas
Euthrix potatoria · pievinis verpikas
Malacosoma castrense · žolinis verpikas
Malacosoma neustria · žieduotasis verpikas
- eggars, snout moths, lappet moths
- Glucken, Wollraupenspinner
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lasiocampidae Caterpillars of this family are large and are most often hairy, especially on their sides. Most have skin flaps on their prolegs. As adults, the moths in this family are large bodied with broad wings and may still have the characteristic elongated mouth parts, or have reduced mouthparts and not feed as adults. They are either diurnal or nocturnal. Females lay a large number of eggs which are flat in appearance and either smooth or slightly pitted. In tent caterpillars, the eggs are deposited in masses and covered with a material that hardens in air.