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home / Insecta · vabzdžiai / Lepidoptera · drugiai / Tortricidae · lapsukiai / Pandemis heparana · gluosninis pandemis

Pandemis heparana caterpillar · gluosninis pandemis, vikšras
Pandemis heparana caterpillar · gluosninis pandemis, vikšras
Pandemis heparana caterpillar · gluosninis pandemis, vikšras
Pandemis heparana caterpillar · gluosninis pandemis, vikšras
Pandemis heparana caterpillar · gluosninis pandemis, vikšras
Pandemis heparana caterpillar · gluosninis pandemis, vikšras
Pandemis heparana caterpillar · gluosninis pandemis, vikšras
Pandemis heparana · gluosninis pandemis
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pandemis_heparana This species can be found in most of Europe, in the eastern Palearctic realm, in the Near East, and in North America. The larvae are are polyphagous, feeding on various deciduous trees and shrubs including oak, willow, birch, honeysuckle, sorbus, apple and pear. They live in a rolled leaf and pupation takes places in the rolled leaves.