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home / Insecta · vabzdžiai / Hemiptera · straubliuočiai / Cixiidae / Cixius cunicularius · cikada

Cixius cunicularius · cikada
- banded lacehopper
- Busch-Glasflügelzikade
- szroniec leśny
- britishbugs.org.uk/homoptera/Cixiidae/Cixius_cunicularius.html
- truehopperswp.com/species/cixius-cunicularius
- gbif.org/species/2059118
Cixius is a distinctive genus, but the species are often very hard to separate. There are three keels on the scutellum. Cixius cunicularius is reasonably easily identified by the forewing markings, consisting of a broad brown band at the level of the pterostigma, weak bands and mottlings anterior to this, and large brown spots along the costal margin (as in C. nervosus). The forewing is relatively blunt-ended, being no longer from the pterostigma to the apex than the width of the wing at that level. The vertex is broadly rounded anteriorly.
Adults can be found May to September. Length 6-7.5 mm.