
Globiceps flavomaculatus · geltonženklė žolblakė

Widely distributed in the Palaearctic Region. Adults are found until the end of August on species of the pea family (Astragalus glycyphyllos; Cytisus scoparius; Lathyrus; Ononis; Trifolium; Vicia) where they feed on the flowers and seeds and hunt small insects. They overwinter as eggs and there is one generation per year.

The black to dark brown, elongated plant bug has striking yellowish spots on the forewings. The males are long-winged (macropteran) and can grow to 6 to 7 mm long, the females can be long-winged or short-winged. The short-winged bugs remain smaller, 5 to 6 mm. The first segment of the mainly black antennae is colored yellow. The legs are brown with black tarsi. The spherical head, the raised pronotum at the back and the scutellum are black. The forewings are yellow to the middle, the tips of the hardened part of the forewing (cuneus) are yellow with a black tip.

Globiceps flavomaculatus looks very much like Globiceps fulvicollis; the latter is usually somewhat smaller. Dryophilocoris flavoquadrimaculatus can also be confused with Globiceps flavomaculatus; the first one, however, has no raised posterior pronotum, fewer yellow spots on the anterior side of the forewings and other pubescence.