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home / Insecta · vabzdžiai / Coleoptera · vabalai / Curculionidae · straubliukai / Larinus sturnus · daginis straubliukas

Larinus sturnus · daginis straubliukas
- Große Distelrüssler
- ohdakekärsäkäs
- daginis straubliukas
- opylak długonosy
- brudtistelsvivel
This species is widespread in central and southern Europe. It is only missing in the British Isles and in northern Scandinavia. It is also represented in the Mediterranean region including North Africa (Algeria and Morocco), the Near and Middle East (Iran) and Central Asia (Turkestan). The species also extends to southern Siberia and Central Asia.
Black body, densely dusted with yellow. In the posterior part of the pronotum, in front of the scutellum, there is a delicate but noticeable depression. Snout thick, relatively long – in the male the length of the pronotum, in the female even 50% longer.
The females of Larinus sturnus lay one egg into one flower bud. The larvae develop in the flower heads of various composites (Asteraceae), especially in thistles (Cirsium).