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home / Insecta · vabzdžiai / Coleoptera · vabalai / Cantharidae · minkštavabaliai / Cantharis cryptica · minkštavabalis

Cantharis cryptica · minkštavabalis
Cantharis cryptica · minkštavabalis
Cantharis cryptica · minkštavabalis
Cantharis cryptica · minkštavabalis
Cantharis cryptica · minkštavabalis
- Verborgener Weichkäfer
- omomiłek zachodni
It is widespread in Europe. They are frequent visitors to thistles and umbelliferous flowers, where they probably prey on other flower-feeding insects as C. cryptica is a carnivorous species. Cantharis pallida is similar to Cantharis cryptica but has black tips to the palps and no flat hairs on the elytra (only erect hairs).