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home / Insecta · vabzdžiai / Coleoptera · vabalai / Chrysomelidae · lapgraužiai / Smaragdina salicina · karklinė smaragdina

Smaragdina salicina · karklinė smaragdina
- Gynandrophthalma cyanea, Smaragdina cyanea, Lema cyanea
- isosinipääkkö
- karklinė smaragdina
- szmaragdówka wierzbówka
- videsäckbagge
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smaragdina_salicina
- kerbtier.de/cgi-bin/enXCompare.cgi?ID=b162174060
- gbif.org/species/6097794
This leaf beetle lives in Europe, in the eastern Palearctic realm, and in the Near East. It inhabits forest edges, thickets, wet meadows and water shores. The adults are 4.5–6.5 mm long. The colours of head and elytra of this beetle are dark blue, while pronotum is reddish and legs are yellowish. They mainly feed on Salix and Crataegus species, but also on leaves of various other plants (Blackthorn Prunus spinosa, Trifolium species, etc.). At the time of egg-laying they wrap their eggs in an envelope of their own excrement and drop them on the ground from above, manoeuvring with their hind legs.
Similar to Smaragdina flavicollis · alksninė smaragdina