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home / Insecta · vabzdžiai / Coleoptera · vabalai / Cerambycidae · ūsuočiai / Leptura quadrifasciata · keturjuostis grakštenis

Leptura quadrifasciata · keturjuostis grakštenis
Leptura quadrifasciata · keturjuostis grakštenis
Leptura quadrifasciata · keturjuostis grakštenis
Leptura quadrifasciata · keturjuostis grakštenis
Leptura quadrifasciata · keturjuostis grakštenis
Leptura quadrifasciata · keturjuostis grakštenis
Leptura quadrifasciata · keturjuostis grakštenis
Leptura quadrifasciata · keturjuostis grakštenis
Leptura quadrifasciata · keturjuostis grakštenis
Leptura quadrifasciata · keturjuostis grakštenis
Leptura quadrifasciata · keturjuostis grakštenis
- Four-banded Longhorn Beetle
- Vierbindiger Schmalbock
- keturjuostis grakštenis, keturjuostė leptura
- četrjoslu koksngrauzis
- baldurek pręgowany, pętlak czteropaskowy
Adults are active from June to August, although exceptionally they have been recorded as early as March, the typical habitat is woodland, wooded borders and wooded parkland where there is a supply of dead and decaying wood, they fly readily in warm weather and frequent a range of flowers, typically various umbels but also e.g. brambles, hawthorne, meadowsweet, thistles and woody nightshade. The species is widely polyphagous with larvae developing in dead or decaying wood, especially in the lower parts of standing trees, stumps, felled trunks and fallen branches, they may develop in wet or dry wood but dry conditions are required for pupation. Larvae excavate curving galleries in the outer phloem and their development usually takes two years with pupation occurring in a cell near the surface or under the bark from May onwards. Infestations generally continue over several or many years. A wide range of broadleaved hosts have been recorded including alder, aspen, beech, birch-which may be the preferred host, hazel, oak, poplar, willow and elder, and they have also been recorded from various conifers e.g. Picea and spruces.
Kūnas 13-18 mm. Antsparniai raudonai rudi, jų viršūnė ir 3 raiščiai juodi. Priešnugarė apaugusi gelsvais plaukeliais. Vabalai aptinkami ant įvairių augalų žiedų. Lervos vystosi po džiūstančių medžių žieve. Lietuvoje dažna rūšis.
Subfamily: Lepturinae · grakštenėnai