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home / Insecta · vabzdžiai / Neuroptera · tinklasparniai / Chrysopidae · auksaakės / Chrysopa perla · paprastoji auksaakė

Chrysopa perla · paprastoji auksaakė
Chrysopa perla · paprastoji auksaakė
Chrysopa perla · paprastoji auksaakė
Chrysopa perla · paprastoji auksaakė
Chrysopa perla · paprastoji auksaakė
Chrysopa perla · paprastoji auksaakė
- pearly green lacewing
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- paprastoji auksaakė
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It is present in most of Europe and in temperate zones of Asia. These insects prefer cool and shady areas, mainly in deciduous woods, wet forests, woodland edges, hedge rows, scrubby grassland and shrubs. Adults can be encountered from May through August. They are fearsome predators, primarily feeding on aphids, occasionally on flower nectar. The females usually lay eggs near aphid colonies. Larvae are predators, mainly feeding on Aphididae, Coccidae species and caterpillars (Pieris brassicae, Autographa gamma). The adult insects hibernate in winter.
The adults reach 10–12 mm of length, with a wingspan of 25–30 mm. The basic coloration of the body is green. Wings are blue-green with black veins. They turn pale yellow during the winter. Several black markings are present on the head, the thorax and below the abdomen. The second antennal segment is black. This species is rather similar to Chrysopa dorsalis, showing an oval pale spot between the eyes, which is roundish in C. perla.