
Scymnus ferrugatus · boružė

  • Großer Rotleibiger Zwergmarienkäfer
  • tuomipikkupirkko
  • rudvēdera sīkmārīte
  • skulik rdzawogłowy
  • större rödstjärtspiga

A tiny, oval ladybird, body length 2.5-3 mm. The pronotum is yellow-orange with a black spot at the base of the elytra. The elytra are black, but their tips are brownish-orange.

It lives in moist meadows, clearings, forest edges and thickets and feed on aphids, scale insects and probably other small soft-bodied insects, and mites.

Similar to slightly smaller (2-3 mm) Scymnus haemorrhoidalis. Also Scymnus rubromaculatus with completely black elytra and Scymnus auritus, in which the elytra are black except for a narrow margin in the apical part.