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home / Insecta · vabzdžiai / Coleoptera · vabalai / Buprestidae · blizgiavabaliai / Buprestis rustica · paprastasis blizgiavabalis

Buprestis rustica · paprastasis blizgiavabalis
- Bauern-Prachtkäfer
- viherjalokuoriainen
- paprastasis blizgiavabalis
- skujkoku krāšņvabole
- bogatek wiejski
- stubbpraktbagge, allmän praktbagge
Buprestis rustica is a Euro-Siberian species. In Europe it occurs in the montane to subalpine regions from Scandinavia to southern Europe, but is absent from the Mediterranean islands, Portugal and the Benelux countries.
The species develops in conifers, mainly spruce, fir and pine, and less frequently larch. Felled or dying trunks and stumps are used for laying eggs. The presence or absence of bark is unimportant; even superficially charred trees do not prevent the beetle from laying eggs and do not hinder the development of the larvae.