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home / Insecta · vabzdžiai / Diptera · dvisparniai / Tachinidae · dygliamusės / Zophomyia temula · dygliamusė

Zophomyia temula · dygliamusė
Zophomyia temula · dygliamusė
Zophomyia temula · dygliamusė
Zophomyia temula · dygliamusė
Zophomyia temula · dygliamusė
- Gulvinget snylteflue
- Langborstige Raupenfliege
- posępnica stonkówka
Zophomyia temula has a European distribution, and includes Transcaucasia, Kazakhstan and South Siberia. These flies preferably inhabit meadows, woodland, hedge rows and moist environments and they can usually be found in the grass and on low-hanging leaves. Adults can be found from April to August, feeding on nectar and pollen of flowers, especially of Heracleum sphondylium. Larvae are endoparasitoids. The specific hosts are unknown.
A heavily bristled black Tachinidae with orange wing bases and white facial areas. If approached carefully and slowly, it will not fly away – especially when it is busy eating.