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home / Insecta · vabzdžiai / Coleoptera · vabalai / Aphodiidae · afodijai / Aphodius fimetarius · raudonsparnis afodijus

Aphodius fimetarius · raudonsparnis afodijus
- red dung beetle, common dung beetle, European Dung Beetle
- Gemeiner Dungkäfer
- Pihalantiainen
- raudonsparnis afodijus
- plug pospolity
naturespot.org.uk/species/aphodius-fimetarius This rather cylindrical looking dung beetle has an orange-red ribbed elytra with a black head and thorax. There are other similar species but A. fimetarius has an even border around the thorax which also has yellow side patches. Females are larger than the males, at up to 8 mm in length. They feed on herbivorous dung.