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home / Insecta · vabzdžiai / Coleoptera · vabalai / Melyridae · pievavabaliai / Dasytes niger · juodasis pievavabalis

Dasytes niger · juodasis pievavabalis
Dasytes niger · juodasis pievavabalis
Dasytes niger · juodasis pievavabalis
Dasytes niger · juodasis pievavabalis
Dasytes niger · juodasis pievavabalis
- mustatakukas
- juodasis pievavabalis
- melnais pļavnagainis, melnais pamīkstspārnis
ukbeetles.co.uk/dasytes-niger This is a widespread Palaearctic species, extending from Spain through Asia Minor to Siberia and Mongolia, in Europe it occurs from lowlands to about 2000m and is common in, warmer southern and central regions and more local in the north, reaching the UK and to the Arctic Circle in Scandinavia.
Adults are active between May and August, peaking in abundance during June and into July; they are diurnal and inhabit open deciduous woodland and parkland with plenty of trees in various stages of decay. The predatory larvae are known to develop through the summer under bark or among decaying wood, they usually occur under bark on smaller branches, up to 20 cm, or in fallen timber up to 40cm in diameter, and have been recorded from a wide range of trees. Larvae overwinter under bark etc, they pupate in situ in the spring and adults emerge from the wood in May. Adults fly well and visit a range of flowers, especially various umbels and blossom where they feed on pollen.