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home / Insecta · vabzdžiai / Coleoptera · vabalai / Dascillidae · skiautvabaliai / Dascillus cervinus · paprastasis skiautvabalis

Dascillus cervinus · paprastasis skiautvabalis
Dascillus cervinus · paprastasis skiautvabalis
Dascillus cervinus · paprastasis skiautvabalis
Dascillus cervinus · paprastasis skiautvabalis
Dascillus cervinus · paprastasis skiautvabalis
Dascillus cervinus · paprastasis skiautvabalis
Dascillus cervinus · paprastasis skiautvabalis
- orchid beetle
- Behaarter Moorweichkaefer
- paprastasis skiautvabalis
- parastais sakņmīlis
- popielicha torfowa
This is the only member of the family to occur in central and northern Europe. It seems to favour wetland areas; wet meadows and peat bogs etc. in upland areas, often where orchids are present. Larvae live in the soil feeding upon roots, generally those of grasses; final stage larvae occur throughout the year but especially in the autumn and winter while pupae have been found in the spring and early summer.
The Orchid Beetle is readily identified, even in the field, by the large size, 8-12mm, the elongate oval form and densely pubescent dorsal surface. The widely bilobed tarsal segments are usually obvious. Colour ranges from dark grey to pale grey or brown. Gravid females are obvious.