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home / Insecta · vabzdžiai / Hymenoptera · plėviasparniai / Cynipidae · gumbavapsvės / Diastrophus rubi · avietinė gumbavapsvė

Diastrophus rubi · avietinė gumbavapsvė
- Brombærgalhveps
- Brombeergallwespe, Brombeer-Gallwespe
- avietinė gumbavapsvė
- aveņu panglapsene
- Bramentakgalwesp
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diastrophus_rubi
- naturespot.org/species/diastrophus-rubi
- gbif.org/species/5032710
Diastrophus rubi is a gall wasp which affects Bramble (Rubus fruticosus agg.). The galls is an elongated swelling, usually causing the stem to bend, with a bumpy surface, each bump containing a separate gall chamber. Often the old, vacated galls are found with multiple exit holes; these can persist for many years.
It is a bisexual species; after mating, fertilised eggs develop into females and unfertilised eggs into males. Males are rare in some populations, and the species may be moving towards a parthenogenetic life-cycle where males are absent.
Galls have been recorded on the following brambles:
- Rubus caesius – European dewberry
- Rubus fruticosus – bramble
- Rubus gillotii
- Rubus idaeus – red raspberry
- Rubus praecox
- Rubus seebergensis
- Rubus sulcatus
- Rubus ulmifolius – elmleaf blackberry