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home / Insecta · vabzdžiai / Lepidoptera · drugiai / Noctuidae · pelėdgalviai / Amphipoea oculea · rausvasis stiebinukas

Amphipoea oculea · rausvasis stiebinukas
Amphipoea oculea · rausvasis stiebinukas
Amphipoea oculea · rausvasis stiebinukas
Amphipoea oculea · rausvasis stiebinukas
- Ear Moth
- Rotbraune Stengeleule
- rausvasis stiebinukas
- mazā lakstpūcīte
- paciepnica korzeniówka
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amphipoea_oculea
- naturespot.org/species/ear-moth
- habitas.org.uk/priority/species.asp?item=6465
- gbif.org/species/1771385
It is found in most of the Palearctic realm. It tends to favour damp habitats and flies in one generation, from July to September. The larvae feed at the base of various grasses and low plants, on the stems and roots. Over-winters as an egg.
Amphipoea oculea is a relatively small, cryptically marked nocturnal, moth flying in the autumn. It is very variable in color but generally orangey-brown with small, variably coloured, white, yellow, orange or red, ear-shaped markings on the forewings. It is impossible to distinguish with surety from the Large Ear A. lucens, Crinan Ear A. crinanensis and Saltern Ear A. fucosa without dissection, but the outer margin of the forewing usually displays a non-uniform tone.