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home / Insecta · vabzdžiai / Coleoptera · vabalai / Scraptiidae · kupravabaliai / Anaspis frontalis · kupravabalis

Anaspis frontalis · kupravabalis
Anaspis frontalis · kupravabalis
Anaspis frontalis · kupravabalis
Anaspis frontalis · kupravabalis
Anaspis frontalis · kupravabalis
Anaspis frontalis · kupravabalis
Anaspis frontalis · kupravabalis
- Gemeiner Scheinstachelkäfer
ukbeetles.co.uk/anaspis-frontalis This species occurs throughout the Palaearctic region from the Iberian Peninsula east to China and Japan and extends far beyond the Arctic Circle in Fennoscandia
2.5-4.4m. Elongate-oval and more or less continuous in outline, body substantially black usually with the front of the head and the prosternum yellow, appendages mostly black, the four basal antennomeres and middle and hind tibial spurs yellow and the front legs and maxillary palps variably but usually substantially yellow. Species of Anaspis can be difficult to identify but A. frontalis is distinctive due to the colour the form of the antennae, tibiae and abdominal tergites and sternites.