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home / Insecta · vabzdžiai / Coleoptera · vabalai / Cerambycidae · ūsuočiai / Alosterna tabacicolor · rusvasis šakalindis

Alosterna tabacicolor copula · rusvasis šakalindis poruojasi
Alosterna tabacicolor mating · rusvasis šakalindis poruojasi
Alosterna tabacicolor · rusvasis šakalindis
Alosterna tabacicolor · rusvasis šakalindis
Alosterna tabacicolor · rusvasis šakalindis
Alosterna tabacicolor · rusvasis šakalindis
Alosterna tabacicolor · rusvasis šakalindis
Alosterna tabacicolor · rusvasis šakalindis
- tobacco-coloured longhorn beetle
- Feldahorn-Bock, Tabakfarbiger Schmalbock
- rusvasis šakalindis, tabokinis medkirtis
- wiecheć płowy, wiecheć próchnowy
The typical habitat is open woodland and wooded parkland. Adults occur from April to August; they fly well and visit a range of flowers including Ranunculus, Rosa, Aruncus and various apiaceae, generally in wooded situations but sometimes beside parkland pathways etc. remote from trees. Host plants include a range of deciduous trees but the most frequent is oak and there have been occasional records from Pine. Larvae develop through the summer in damp decaying twigs and small branches, producing narrow irregular galleries which often extend into the xylem. The fully-grown larvae pupate in galleries under the bark during April or May and adults eclose soon afterwards, emerging from the wood during warm spells.
Subfamily: Lepturinae · grakštenėnai