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home / Insecta · vabzdžiai / Diptera · dvisparniai / Tachinidae · dygliamusės / Dexia rustica · dygliamusė

Dexia rustica · dygliamusė
- Plain Dexia
- wikipedia.org/wiki/Dexia_rustica
- flickr.com/photos/63075200@N07/albums/72177720303496080
- insektarium.net/diptera-2/tachinidae-raczycowate/dexia-rustica
- gbif.org/species/1467408
It is found in almost all of Europe and usually inhabits hedgerows and flowering landscapes. Adults can be found from June to August, feeding on nectar and pollen, especially of Heracleum sphondylium. Larvae develop in the soil feeding on beetle larvae (endoparasitism), mainly of Melolontha melolontha, Amphimallon solstitialis, Rhizotrogus marginipes, Phyllopertha horticola (Scarabaeidae).
A medium-large (body length 7-12 mm), densely grey-dusted, bare-eyed, long-legged tachinid with plumose aristae and a well-formed facial ridge between the antennae. The thorax has four narrow vittae and three pairs of postsutural dorsocentrals. The scutellum lacks an orange tip. The male abdomen has orange sides separated by a dark median stripe, but these are somewhat obscured by the overlying dusting. The female abdomen is uniformly coloured. Neither have darkened hind margins to tergites 3 and 4. The wings have a long appendix on the bend of vein m, after which vein m curves strongly meeting the wing margin to leave cell R4+5 narrowly open (much like Dexiosoma). The legs are orange except for darker tarsi. The head is small-eyed with very broad jowls and parafacialia. The vibrissae are inserted well above the mouth edge with and are much closer together than the bristles at the bottom of the jowls. The antennae are rather short and orange. The male frons is about twice the width of a third antennal segment, that of the female is about two-fifths the head width, and both sexes have a blackish interfrontalia.