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home / Insecta · vabzdžiai / Ephemeroptera · lašalai
creation date / 2003 / July

Cloeon dipterum female · lašalas ♀
Cloeon dipterum female · lašalas ♀
Cloeon dipterum female · lašalas ♀
- mayflay
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- lašalai
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayfly Bauernfeind, E., & Soldan, T. (21 Jan. 2013). The Mayflies of Europe (Ephemeroptera). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004260887
This order is part of an ancient group of insects termed the Palaeoptera, which also contains dragonflies and damselflies. Mayflies have ancestral traits that were probably present in the first flying insects, such as long tails and wings that do not fold flat over the abdomen. Their immature stages are aquatic fresh water forms (called "naiads" or "nymphs"), whose presence indicates a clean, unpolluted and highly oxygenated aquatic environment. They are unique among insect orders in having a fully winged terrestrial preadult stage, the subimago, which moults into a sexually mature adult, the imago.
Vabzdžiai labai gležni, verpstės formos. Burnos organai graužiamieji, redukuoti. Turi stambokas facetines akis, bet yra ir paprastos akelės. Kojos plonos, sparnai taip pat ploni, plėviški, bet tankiai gysloti. Pilvelis ilgas, cilindriškas, jo gale 2 ar 3 ilgos siūliškos išaugos (cerkai). Metamorfozė nepilna. Lervos gyvena vandenyje ir kvėpuoja trachėjinėmis žiaunomis. Vystymasis trunka 1-2 metus. Suaugėliai gyvena labai trumpai – vos kelias valandas ar kelias dienas ir nesimaitina. Lašalai skraido vasarą, daugiausia vakarais ir naktimis.