
Chironomidae · uodai trūkliai

  • chironomids, nonbiting midges
  • Zuckmücken, Tanzmücken, Schwarmmücken
  • trīsuļodu dzimta
  • ochotkowate

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chironomidae Larval stages of the Chironomidae can be found in almost any aquatic or semiaquatic habitat, including treeholes, bromeliads, rotting vegetation, soil, and in sewage and artificial containers. They form an important fraction of the macro zoobenthos of most freshwater ecosystems. They are often associated with degraded or low-biodiversity ecosystems because some species have adapted to virtually anoxic conditions and are dominant in polluted waters. Larvae of some species are bright red in color due to a hemoglobin analog; these are often known as "bloodworms". Their ability to capture oxygen is further increased by their making undulating movements.